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Feng Shui

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that aims to create harmonious and balanced environments by arranging objects and spaces in a specific way. In the context of interior design, Feng Shui principles are used to create a positive flow of energy, or "chi," throughout a space.


Optional Analysis

Key Concepts of Feng Shui in Interior Design:

Furniture Placement

The arrangement of furniture is crucial in Feng Shui. The furniture should be placed in a way that allows for a smooth and unobstructed flow of energy. It is recommended to avoid placing furniture directly in front of doors or blocking pathway

Clutter-Free Space

Clutter is believed to disrupt the flow of energy in a space. In Feng Shui, it is important to keep spaces organized and clutter-free. This involves decluttering and regularly purging unnecessary items

Colors & Materials

Each color is associated with a specific element and emotion in Feng Shui. Warm colors like red and orange are associated with passion and energy, while cool colors like blue and green are associated with calmness and tranquility.  Natural materials such as wood and stone bring a sense of grounding and balance.

Balance & Harmony

Feng shui emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony in design. This can be achieved through symmetrical arrangements, the use of pairs or multiples of objects, and the Inclusion of natural elements such as plants or water features


Natural light is considered beneficial and should be maximized whenever possible. Additionally, using a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting can create a balanced and harmonious atmosphere.

Incorporating Feng Shui

As a certified Feng Shui Master, we can perform a preliminary Feng Shui analysis of family members and provide an extended analysis of your home or property. We analyze the Qi flow in your home and eliminate any obstacles or harmful structures. Ultimately, you will have a harmonious home that brings luck in health, wealth, success, spirit, and life force and reduces conflicts.

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